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My third album, “Thank you for existing”, was released on Saturday 29 November 2014. This CD represents a turning point in my musical journey. "Thank you for existing", in fact, is my first Christian Inspiration CD. Born in about a year and a half of work, this CD is composed of 7 unreleased songs whose music was all composed by Edoardo Piccolo, a young and talented composer and organist from Vicenza. The lyrics, on the other hand, except for that of "Blu", were written directly by me.  The songs contained in this CD want to release strength, courage, will to live, optimism in the future; they want to convey the awareness that no one is alone on this Earth, that God loves everyone unconditionally and has a beautiful project of Love in store for each of us!


Specifically, the 7 songs contained in "Thank you for existing" are:


  1. Thanks for existing

  2. Light in my path

  3. Just trust

  4. I have a tremendous will to live

  5. Do not be afraid!

  6. Blue

  7. The engine of the world


All the tracks contained in “Thank you for existing” are the result of life experiences lived directly by Lorenzo or by people he himself met on his way.

For example "Thank you for existing", the song that gives the title to this CD, tells the story of the conversion of Alessia, my  lass.

"I have a tremendous desire to live from you", is a song that wants to be supportive for all those kids, for all those people who believe they are alone, who believe they don't have a second chance, who believe they can't make it anymore get up.  God is close also and above all in these moments. With the help of prayer we can realize that we are never alone, on the contrary, that we are part of a beautiful Project of Love that God wants to carry out with us ... just say our Yes to God, trust Him and allow Him to enter. in our heart!

The 7th song on the CD is dedicated to a person so dear to Vicenza that he is  was canonized by Pope Francis a year ago. "The engine of the world" in fact speaks of San Giovanni Antonio Farina, bishop of Vicenza since 1860 and a man of great generosity and great charity who was able to revolutionize in an extremely positive way the thinking that many people of his time had in front of issues such as the education of children, the role of women in society, help to the needy and the poorest.



























God is the Compass of our life, the Navigator who tells us when, on the journey of our life, it is more convenient to turn right or left or go straight. The important thing is to trust, to let yourself be guided, even when things go wrong, even when the road becomes dangerous and full of obstacles, because only by following God can we achieve Happiness!  So let's decide to hold this Compass in our hands! Don't leave it in your pocket!  

These are the thoughts that inspired the cover and, in general, all the graphics of this CD.


The CD boasts the collaboration of Tommaso Ermolli, guitarist known and appreciated internationally, in the songs "Basta trust" and "The engine of the world". Also in "The engine of the world" also Michele Lavarda (bass) and Giovanna Mazzon (choirs) collaborated.


The songs were recorded at “The Basement Recording Studio” in Vicenza. Recording, editing and mixing were done by Edoardo Piccolo.


It is possible to find the CD "Thank you for existing" at:


  • "San Paolo" Bookshop - (Corso Palladio, 132 - Vicenza)

  • "Al Pellegrino" - (Viale X June, 14 - Vicenza)

  • "Il Pellegrino" - (Via del Santo, 173 - Padua)


For those who wish, it is also possible to request a copy of the CD here, even in digital version! Just click on the "Request availability" image below and follow the directions! To listen to a small preview of the songs, instead, just click the "Play" button of the Player below!

2022 - Lorenzo Belluscio

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