And thanks to my friends Mienmiuiaf my voice has also reached Radio Maria! I'm really proud of it! By clicking the photo on the left you can listen to the episode conducted by Anita and Giuseppe on the value of friendship and friend, episode in which the song "The insurer" was presented, which you can listen to by clicking on the photo on the right instead!
A big thank you to Lucio Fasoli, journalist of Radio Pace in Verona, for this long interview in which I retrace my entire musical journey. Two episodes have come out that you can listen to by clicking on the players above!
By clicking on the player above you can listen to the interview that the friends of "Christian music Italy" made me in St. Peter's Square (Rome)!
Thanks to Roberto Bonaldi, journalist of Radio Vicenza, for an interview on my new CD "The Sky is inside us"!
By clicking on the player you can listen to mine short interview (at 20:00 of the video above) aired on Telechiara! The interview, edited by the journalist Paola Sartore, concerns my new CD, "The Sky is inside us"!
Raffaella Frullone and Gianni De Berardinis interviewed me directly from Krakow on the occasion of World Youth Day, for Radio inBlu's radio program “Pomereo inBlu”! By clicking on the photo you can listen to the podcast interview!
I was interviewed by Ornella Tiziani for the radio program “Spazio Giovani” by Radio Kolbe It is a long interview in which I retrace all his musical and Faith journey!
Rita Sberna interviewed me for the radio show "Testimonials di Fede". It's a long interview in which I tell her entire history and her and Alessia's journey of faith!
For all those who missed it, here is my short interview (at 5:00 of the video above) aired on Telechiara! The interview, edited by the journalist Paola Sartore, focuses on my CD “Thank you for existing” and on the concerts - testimony that, together with Alessia, I am offering in the parishes and schools of Vicenza and the neighboring provinces!
Beatrice Pillan interviews me for "TVIWEB" ( The interview deals with the path I have traveled so far and mine future projects.