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Grazie all'immensa generosità di tantissime persone, realtà ed aziende vicentine, il 15 settembre 2018 abbiamo consegnato nelle mani del Vescovo di Rieti, Mons. Domenico Pompili, 19.560,96 euro per la costruzione della nuova "Casa del Futuro" di Amatrice!


Dove tutto è partito e come si è sviluppato

Vicenza, 9 March 2017

Dear friends,

we were all struck by the earthquakes  which from 24 August shook central Italy, devastating the cities of Amatrice, Accumoli and Arquata del Tronto.

We all remained helpless in the face of the harsh winter that the surviving populations had to go through.


Remaining in communication with the Youth Ministry of Rieti, I was able to see that however, as great was the destruction, the greater is the desire to rebuild and start over.

Day after day, the desire to be able to help, in my small way, the people of that territory in rebuilding their Lives has grown more and more in me.

I asked what I could do and what was needed.

After speaking with the Director of the Diocesan Caritas of Rieti, Don Fabrizio Borrello, I was informed of the project in which the whole territory strongly believes: the construction of the "House of the Future" in Amatrice.

It is an ambitious project, a "dream" as the Bishop of Rieti, HE Mons. Domenico Pompili defined it, which, however, will soon become reality: the start of the works is in fact scheduled for the summer of 2018.


At the basis of this construction there is the desire not to lose the long experience of the school and reception camps widespread in the many hamlets included in the seismic crater, but trying to overcome the idea of rebuilding everything "as it was and where it was" .

Indeed, the Church knows the change that has taken place over the years and it is wise to rebuild "where it was": territory is not consumed. However, it cannot be simply reconstructed "as it was": society has changed, even from a pastoral point of view. The new social and economic needs of the populations residing between the mountains of Accumoli and Amatrice must be kept in mind.


The House of the Future fits, in the words of Monsignor Pompili, from the perspective of "having an experience with God in our mountains": it will be built in the "Don Minozzi" complex, next to the new hospital, on which he is working. instead, the Lazio Region.

The Church and the theater, which have always been meeting places, will be recovered from the existing heritage. All these interventions will make the area a central hub for the whole territory affected by the earthquake, reinterpreting its original vocation as a place of welcome for young people and social support.

The urban planning application was presented by Bishop Pompili directly to the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister during their visits among the rubble.


The earthquake hit the population, breaking the social network, interrupting generational continuity and bringing the local economy to its knees in many hamlets in the area. For this reason, the House of the Future can also represent a space for interception of workers, an incubator of professional opportunities.


The proposal is therefore to create an agile, simple and sustainable structure, ideally in wood and glass. The design idea provides for an essential construction, of contained dimensions, in line with the needs of a small village.

The setting up hypothesis would consist of differentiated supplies to make this house a center for aggregation and assistance, for sharing everyday life, for services and advice, for friendship, for games, for parties. A place that is the center of thought for a liveable and beautiful future.

The main users of this structure will be the children of the municipality of Amatrice, of the neighboring hamlets and of the whole territory, permanently resident or who live periodically in these places.

The structure, however, will be an area of aggregation and services open to the whole community, with attention to the elderly, thinking with them and young people on intergenerational dynamics, providing modular spaces and activities dedicated to different needs.

The last Youth Meeting (6 - 8 January 2016) has already laid the foundations for this ambitious project, which will be financed through spontaneous donations and national fundraising. The total estimated expenditure is very high: around one million euros.


It would be a great emotion to be able, with the funds we will collect with this charity initiative, to allow the construction of a room inside the "House of the Future".


I thought of involving the Diocese of Vicenza in this project as well. Thus I first met the Bishop's Secretary, Don Marco Gasparini, who kept our Bishop, HE Mons. Beniamino Pizziol, constantly informed.

I then presented the project to Fr Lorenzo Zaupa, Vicar General of our Diocese, to Fr Enrico Pajarin, Director of the Diocesan Caritas of Vicenza and to Mr. Matteo Refosco, contact person for our Youth Ministry.

I was really happy to see the support of our Diocese for this initiative.

The Caritas Diocesana of Vicenza has given the willingness to be in the front row promoter of this project, also making available the current account to bring together the offers:




IT 82 Y050 1811 8000 0000 0107 933  



I also share this project with each of you friends, with all those who have the desire to lend a hand to these populations.

In my small way, to all those who donate an offer (of any size) to this cause, I will donate the songs of my new CD, released a few months ago, “Il Cielo è nella noi”, for free. A few days after making the transfer, each person will receive a letter of thanks which will contain a password which, entered on my website, will allow the songs to be downloaded.


The goal is to raise at least ten thousand euros for this project. It is certainly a large amount, but together, with the help of the Lord, I am sure we will make it.


We know that our contribution will represent a small drop compared to the resources needed for the construction of this House. But as Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta said every single drop of the ocean is fundamental and if it were not there, the ocean would miss it.


Dear friends, I hope that you too welcome this project with the same enthusiasm with which I am proposing it to you.


For everything you decide to do, thank you very much!       


Since December 2017 it is  It is also possible to make the donation to the new current account of the Diakonia Onlus Association, that is:


IT 40 D050 1811 8000 0001 1079 332



Both Diakonia Onlus current accounts listed on this page will remain active for the entire duration of the project

and will be constantly monitored.




This, on the other hand, is the letter that the Youth Ministry of Rieti sent us on the occasion of our concert for Amatrice on 28 October last.

2022 - Lorenzo Belluscio

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