"Heaven is within us" is my second Christian inspired CD. Released on September 30, 2016, it is distributed throughout Italy by San Paolo and can thus be found in all Catholic bookstores in Italy.
The CD contains 7 unreleased tracks.
We go from a rock song to a pop song, from one with folk overtones to one with a dance sound at times.
The lowest common denominators are always the Christian Faith and all the values linked to it. Specifically, there are many issues that are addressed and that can be extrapolated from the passages, such as the infinite Mercy of God, Eternal Life, Human Ecology, being active Christians to try to improve the world in which we live. , the value of prayer, Christian love between two people, never giving up in the face of difficulties.
One song in particular, "Nothing is impossible" , was already released last February as a single CD to support the non-profit association "Team for Children" of Vicenza. Written in memory of Michele Dal Bianco, a 16-year-old boy from Zanè re-born in Heaven for a rare form of brain tumor, this song was inspired by the great Faith, the great Courage, the Strength and the will to live that Michele he demonstrated to all the people he met during his 33 long months of illness. Michele lives today!
The song "I feel you live", on the other hand, deals with the theme of human ecology, touching on the themes described in Pope Francis' Encyclical "Laudato Sì" and denouncing an event that really happened in Bagamoyo (Tanzania): from one day to the next 1300 farmers they are seen expropriating their land by a European multinational determined to grow sugar cane for the creation of bio diesel.
"We are the fruit of the same Hand, but what is Love for us?" says the song: in order to serve our interests we are willing to trample on nature and the inviolable rights of people. This song arrived 8th in the National Competition "A song in which to believe" which saw the participation of over 120 tracks.
Another song that you can listen to on the CD is titled “Solo con l'Amore” and was among the first 6 songs of the “Become a singer of Mercy” competition, organized to coincide with the extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy.
"A modo mio" is a rock track that wants to invite all the people who will listen to it to go beyond their limits, to listen to their hearts and to entrust everything to God. It is a song that I have dedicated and which was inspired by the National team Italian Football Amputees.
I'll leave you to discover the other songs on the CD!
The title of the CD is not taken from any song. This is because I wanted to choose a title that could contain a simple message but in my opinion at the basis of the life of every Christian, a message that I have tried to take up several times in my songs.
“ Don't you know that your bodies are members of Christ? ”Wrote St. Paul in his letter to the Corinthians. And again “ Don't you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you and which you have from God, and that you do not belong to yourselves? ".
During the Holy Mass we eat the Body of Jesus and drink His Blood.
Heaven is truly within us every second of our life!
This awareness must spur us to be active Christians, consistent with the Gospel, to live to build Love and Peace, to build bridges and not to build walls.
God is with us always. It is up to us to put ourselves in the front row and fight with good example and prayer all the darkness and evil that exists in this world. It is not easy, of course! But next to us we have a friend who is waiting for nothing but to help and guide us!
How can we be sad people if God breathes with us inside? It is impossible ... yet there is so much sadness and resignation between us ...
We have to change gear, it is Heaven asking us! So as the last song of this CD says: “And joy be this journey that will never end and surprise us! May every word and every smile we give joy be! "
Starting from 9 March 2017, the CD is at the center of a solidarity project to support the construction of the "House of the Future" in Amatrice , a project sponsored by the Diocese of Vicenza, Caritas and the Vicentine Youth Ministry, the Church of Rieti and the Youth Ministry in Rieti.
The whole instrumental part of the CD was composed by Damiano Ferrari. The lyrics, on the other hand, were written directly by me. Also Damiano, in his recording studio (Ferrari recording - Cittadella), took care of the recording, editing and mixing of all the tracks.
For those who wish, it is also possible to request a copy of the CD here, even in digital version! Just click on the "Request availability" image below and follow the directions!
To listen to a small preview of the songs, instead, just click the "Play" button of the Player below!